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Game Mechanics

Action Resolution System

Offers a wide range of actions and outcomes based on character abilities and situational modifiers, rather than restricting actions by class.

Engaging Action Scenes

Action scenes are managed in Sequenced Phases, allowing actions to be resolved in order of Sequence Rating and keeping players engaged.

Balanced Randomness

Skills and attributes allow for character growth based on player actions and decisions, balancing skill progression with randomness inherent in gameplay.

Different types and numbers of dice are used to achieve the desired outcome probability distribution.

Wild Magic and the Arcane Arts

Balancing the Power Sources

Ensure that magic, deific influence, and psionics are balanced in a way that makes all three appealing and viable options for players. Introduce challenges or scenarios where one might be more effective than the others, encouraging a diverse party composition.

Narrative Integration

Use these elements to drive the game's narrative and world-building. The struggle between wild magic and Oblivion, the influence of deities, and the emergence of psionic abilities can all serve as key plot points, conflict drivers, and sources of quests and adventures.

Metaphysical Powers of Arcane, Deific Influences, and Psionics

Tactical representation of action scenes

Abstract Narrative Descriptions

Encourages imagination and can speed up gameplay, as it doesn't require setting up or referencing physical models or maps.

Physical Drawings and Maps

Provide a clear, shared visual reference for all participants, making tactical decisions and spatial awareness more straightforward. Using a non-grid, measurement-based tactical representation offers flexibility.

Experience the magic

  • Ascended RPG Rulebook

    Enter the mystical realm


  • Mithayre world setting

    Pierce the planar veil


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Ascended Community Membership

Membership — $10/month

This exclusive members-only section is your gateway to the deeper secrets and wonders of the Ascended universe. It offers you an array of unique content, advanced insights, and the opportunity to forge a closer connection with the creators and fellow enthusiasts.

Members will have access to updates on purchased products.

A special offer for those intrepid enough to tread

After days of navigating through the treacherous Whispering Woods, where shadows move of their own accord and the wind carries voices from the past, you finally emerge into a clearing. The journey has been perilous, fraught with challenges that tested not just your resolve but your very essence. You've crossed the Silverstream River, whose waters are said to reflect not what is, but what could be, and scaled the Cliffs of Echoes, where a single word is returned with a thousand whispers.

As you step into the clearing, the dense canopy gives way to a sky painted with the hues of twilight, and there, at the heart of this serene yet imposing expanse, stands a large stone statue. This ancient sentinel, carved from the very bedrock of Mithayre, towers above you, its presence commanding yet benevolent.

The statue depicts a figure from the lore of old, a Guardian of Realms, whose tales of wisdom and might have been whispered through the ages. Draped in a simple robe that seems to absorb the fading light, a tome — a symbol of knowledge and the power it wields — rests at the feet of the Guardian.

Upon closer inspection, the tome reveals intricately carved runes, their meanings lost to time, save for those worthy of understanding. The Guardian's face, stoic and timeless, is set in a gaze that pierces through to the soul, challenging those who dare approach to prove their worth.

It is here, at the foot of this colossal protector of secrets, that you are presented with a riddle — a test not of strength, but of intellect and insight. The Guardian, through an inscription at its base, speaks:

   Only those who unravel my words shall gain the wisdom contained within. Solve the riddle, and the path to greater knowledge shall be bestowed upon you.
Speak a rhyme for the ear in need. With what do I arrive if by winged foot or winged steed?

With the promise of ancient secrets and untold power hanging in the balance, you steady your resolve to decipher the Guardian's challenge.